Friday, September 24, 2021

Liberal Activist Who Started Lie About Border Patrol Whipping Migrants Now Claims It's Not About That

Liberal Activist Who Started Lie About Border Patrol Whipping Migrants Now Claims It's Not About That
Brodigan - September 24, 2021 at 12:27PM

I'm going to give you the conclusion of this post first. Courtney was right.

The big news this week involved lies, illegal immigrants, and horses. We laid out the backstory here, and it was only the first day. It all begins with this tweet from Sawyer Hackett. He's a liberal activist who works for a pro-illegal immigration PAC.

The tweet that started a lie. It gave the left and the media (but I repeat myself) a much-needed distraction from all the other things Joe Biden was fucking up. The media got to exploit the average viewer's ignorance of horses while ignoring the experts who tried correcting that ignorance. Illegal immigration advocates could make this about the migrants being "whipped" and not about Joe Biden boobery proving illegal immigration critics right. Democrats got to cry RAAAAAAACISM saying an out-of-context photo was literally worse than slavery literally. Joe Biden sat glassy-eyed ignoring anyone who asked him about it.

It ended with the White House saying that Border Patrol — Joe Biden's Border Patrol — will no longer use horses. This morning, Joe Biden mumbled his way through saying the people "responsible" will pay dearly. He means the Border Patrol agents doing their jobs. Not everyone lying about those agents.

So here's the guy who started everything ...

This isn't about whips vs reins. It's not even about the damn horses. The debate on whips is a misdirection by those protecting a horrific policy.

I see. So this wasn't about the way they were being treated by Border Patrol. This is because the migrants weren't escorted through the border with a gift bag and an Uber app. No COVID test or proof of vaccine though. That's only for natural-born Americans. Hack(ett) is more upset that Joe Biden isn't accepting claims of asylum, no questions asked. It wasn't about the thing it was about. It was about another thing. The first thing was a distraction ... that was started by the guy who said it should be a second thing.

Again. Courtney was right.

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