Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Stephen Colbert's 'The Vax-Scene' Dance is so Cringe, Your Soul May Actually Leave Your Body

Stephen Colbert's 'The Vax-Scene' Dance is so Cringe, Your Soul May Actually Leave Your Body
Courtney Kirchoff - September 29, 2021 at 10:41AM

Oxymorons combine two opposite meaning words like "giant shrimp" or "pretty ugly." But what do you call the concept of "so bad it's good" or "so ugly it's cute" as I might describe a Pug? Whatever that concept is called, Stephen Colbert's "The Vax Scene" is teetering on the edge of it. I'm not calling it borderline good, but I am calling it so bad you have to see it. It's like that Jeff Foxworthy bit of "the courtesy sniff" that is guys having other guys smell something really bad. Call this the courtesy cringe. Everyone will be talking about it, and I can't leave y'all out of the fun.

To be fair, this apparently came out 3 months ago. But Jon Miller tweeted it in light of new rating numbers and now here we are again.

Think about this, because at Louder with Crowder we marvel at crap I can only describe as certifiable eye rape. Stephen Colbert's show probably has a writing staff with at least twelve people on it. Which means at least one person thought of this, and the other eleven added to it. Then producers and show runners were like "yep, do it, genius." Then Colbert agreed to it. Most likely in that order.

People who are paid, probably a lot of money, came up with dancing needles. Not even attractive needles. Hairy man needles. It's comedy, stupid. You wouldn't understand. LAUGH!

How many of you who are not beatified with the all holy Pfizer or Moderna are now convinced to bathe in the waters of the vax? How many of you who have dipped your toes into the blessed waters of the coronoavirus vaccine pools see this video and feel like you're part of something larger and greater than yourselves? How many of you who are somehow undecided, suddenly decided one way or the other after seeing this video?

The above are purely rhetorical questions. For as a woman who prides herself on guessing, my guess is zero minds were changed, zero laughs were had, but all eyes rolled. It's just that bad. The only people who think "this is some good shit right here" don't recognize good shit if it took a dump right in their open mouths. But my guess is those same people do enjoy such exercises.

COVID isn't the worst of our problems after all.

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