Thursday, September 23, 2021

GOP Candidate Assaulted for Speaking Out Against COVID. He's an Unarmed Black Man, so Where are His Protests?

GOP Candidate Assaulted for Speaking Out Against COVID. He's an Unarmed Black Man, so Where are His Protests?
Courtney Kirchoff - September 23, 2021 at 09:42AM

The issue with leftist media (but I repeat myself) viewing everything through the lens of race is moments like this, when a black Republican in Nevada is taken down, violently, and no one says "boo." Mack Miller, who is running for the Lt. Governorship in the people's republic of Nevada, was apparently speaking out against COVID-19 bullshit when the security team, who I'll note seem to be dark white, charged him, shoved him through the metal detector, and took him to the ground. If this isn't the definition of excessive force against an unarmed black man, then we need a new definition.

From Newsweek:

A candidate for lieutenant governor of Nevada was forcibly removed from a meeting about COVID-19 misinformation on Tuesday in scenes captured on video and shared to social media.

Footage shows Mack Miller being forcibly removed by two security guards from a meeting of the Clark County Commission in Las Vegas, where misinformation about the virus was declared a public health crisis.

Hold the phone. "Misinformation about the virus" is a public health crisis? And who, pray tell, decides what is misinformation and what is truth? This story is an assault times two. One against an unarmed black man, Mack Miller who was allegedly simply exercising his right to free speech. The other victim of assault is free speech. You should be allowed to say COVID-19 is a concoction of Satan's boogers and Fauci's nose hairs. It's up to other people to decide if that's true or complete poppycock. Those other people can then counter you with ideas of their own, or "the science." But for anyone to be assaulted, attacked, or otherwise forcibly muzzled is akin to Nazi Germany.

Clark County spokesperson Erik Pappa said on Tuesday that the matter was under review. The incident involving Miller reportedly occurred between meetings of the commission. Pappa said security officers had asked someone to put on a mask, causing some attendees to become disruptive. The officers decided to clear the room.

The Clark County Commission voted by 5 to 2 on Tuesday to declare COVID-19 misinformation a public health crisis after a motion proposed by Commissioner Justin Jones.

Mack Miller is a hero for free speech. That's just my opinion but it's also true.

Furthermore, as an unarmed black man violently assaulted by the patriarchal security team in Nevada, surely we can expect a mostly peaceful protest or two to breakout on the streets of Nevada. Right? RIGHT? Since no justice, no peace.

Of course not. The above is gross whataboutism for the purposes of highlighting that Republicans are never treated fairly and we shouldn't expect fair treatment from media or the left. If we want fairness, we have to get it for ourselves. If we want to support people like Mack Miller, we actually have to support him, stand in his corner, and get him the backup he needs. It starts with making sure everyone knows his story and what went down. Then it means taking up the mantle right along side him.

Go forth and fight for your rights, America.

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