Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Doocy Shocks Psaki: There are More Terrorists in Afghan Government Than Women ... What's Up With That?

Doocy Shocks Psaki: There are More Terrorists in Afghan Government Than Women ... What's Up With That?
Brodigan - September 08, 2021 at 05:44PM

The Biden White House was planning on the American people forgetting about Afghanistan by August 31st. Then Joe Biden kept saying and doing all sorts of Joe Biden things. The people forgetting by August 31st didn't quite work out. Added to the White Houe problems is that Peter Doocy keeps sneaking into the press briefings. His peers ask the not-Afghan questions Jen Psaki leaves under their chairs with a cookie. Not DOOCY! Today he was wondering if anyone noticed something odd about the Afghanistan government. There seems to be a lot of one group of people, not a lot of another group.

Here is the exchange. It is followed by my dramatic interpretation of what was said. Apropos of nothing, my iPhone autocorrects Doocy to all caps DOOCY now.

DOOCY: I know the president wants us to believe Afghanistan was a smashing success. But the government is heavy on not only terrorists, but terrorists his old boss freed for whatshisface who desserted the army.

PSAKI: Dessert? Who wants dessert? There's a great donut shop ...

DOOCY: Maybe later. So, the Afghan government is lousy with terrorists on the FBI's most wanted list. Not in the Afghan government? Anything that resembles a woman. What's up with that?

PSAKI: The Talibanistan government should know that the global community is watching.

DOOCY: ...k. But they're the Taliban. They don't care.

PSAKI: The global community is still watching though. Besides, did you see what's going on in Texas? Talk about the Taliban! Amirite ladies?

DOOCY: That's not remotely the same thing.

PSAKI: I hate you so, so hard. It's a special kind of hate too.

This DOOCY x Psaki dialogue only represents one problem. There is also the issue of Americans maybe or maybe not being held hostage in Afghanistan right now. Secretary of State Anthony "Hey" Blinken accidentally admitted out loud that there are charter flights being forbidden from flying out of Afghanistan. Some of the flights include American passengers. American citizens are currently being stopped from leaving a country by a hostile government. So it all depends on how you define "hostage." Anyone with half a brain defines it as the words that accidentally came out of Hey Blinken's mouth. The Biden Administration and their media fluffers define "hostage" as ... hey, look at that obvious distraction!

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