Friday, September 17, 2021

'In America, It's ALWAYS About Freedom': Former Wrestler Turned Mayor Chokeslams Joe Biden Over Vax Mandates

'In America, It's ALWAYS About Freedom': Former Wrestler Turned Mayor Chokeslams Joe Biden Over Vax Mandates
Brodigan - September 17, 2021 at 09:37AM

Glenn Jacobs is the libertarian mayor of Knoxville, TN. Most people know him as professional wrestler Kane. Kane is the Undertaker's "brother" and may or may not have killed their parents when he burned down the family funeral home. Then there is Joe Biden. A dementia-riddled old coot who has access to the nuclear codes. That's scarier than anything Kane did in the WWE, including the time he set Jim Ross on fire.

The only torching here is proverbial, as Mayor Jacobs TORCHES President Puddingbrain with a letter informing Biden that Knox County will not be complying with any v*x mandates. Joe Biden said that "his patience is wearing thin" with Americans. Mayor Jacobs has two words for him.

Actually, that's someone else's schtick. Jacobs had many more words, in an official correspondence that is the equivalent of Mick Foley being thrown off the cage. I swear that's the last wrestling reference.

Some choice passages:

"It would be one thing if you were ignorant of these abuses. ... Instead of humbly contemplating the implications of trampling constitutional process, [your chief of staff] is gloating like the cat who ate the canary."

"Mr. President, if we, as elected officials, ignore, disregard, and contravene the laws which bind us, how can we expect our fellow citizens to respect and follow the laws which bind all of us as a society?"

"As an American, I am appalled by your statement: 'This is not about freedom or personal choice.' On the contrary, in America, it is always about freedom."

And another thing ...

GUN SANTA Visits The Studio! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says