Friday, September 17, 2021

'This is a Crisis': Ted Cruz Releases Video Showing Joe Biden's 'Man-made Disaster' Along Southern Border

'This is a Crisis': Ted Cruz Releases Video Showing Joe Biden's 'Man-made Disaster' Along Southern Border
Brodigan - September 17, 2021 at 08:32AM

Don't let everything else Joe Biden has made a mess of fool you. The southern border is still in crisis. That's the original thing Joe Biden pooped the bed on. Other than the nights when he actually poops the bed. Joe Biden has made such a mess of the border, he decided to take what he learned and apply it to Afghanistan. He didn't learn anything. Joe Biden is a nincompoop.

The latest example of Biden's border boobery involves over ten thousand illegal migrants and a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. I'll let Senator Ted Cruz take it from here. His video posts along the border have been very informative. This one is no different.

"This is a crisis that has unfolded. It's a man-made crisis. Just over a week ago, there were fewer than a thousand people here under the bridge."

I know this is a serious issue, but I can't help myself.

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