Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Messaging for the Extremist Left is a Problem, But are They Smart Enough to Figure It Out?

Messaging for the Extremist Left is a Problem, But are They Smart Enough to Figure It Out?
Joseph Gunderson - October 12, 2021 at 03:33PM

We all know Dems are a little slow. Stupid may be a better adjective to use. I mean, these are the same people who can't figure out basic human biology or how math works! But to demonstrate further just how clueless these people are, Dems are just now realizing their base is full of "ideologically extreme" imbeciles!

Yes, what the right has known for years, the left side of the aisle is finally figuring out! I wonder what the hell it was that gave it away!

Not only have they just begun to come to terms with this reality, but they have also come to the conclusion that it might be a bad thing for communicating with voters! No sh*t, Sherlock! Who would have thought that having a base of unhinged lunatics might have terrible consequences?! The right has been pointing out for years that the patients have been running the asylum, and only now, as the Dems look toward the very good possibility of being blown out in the 2022 midterms, that perhaps we're right (though, they would never admit as much out loud).

Writing for Politico, Ian Ward points out that these young liberals are "far to the left of the median Democratic voters" on several issues such as inequality, climate change, and healthcare. You mean to tell me that most people aren't on board with socialist redistribution, destroying the economy for mother earth, and Medicare for all? Throw in "systemic racism" and LGBTQ+(insert desired additional letters and numbers here) rights and you have nearly the entire Dem platform! David Shor—whose work Ward focuses primarily on—does his best to justify the radicalism as best he can:

"It is descriptively true that people who work in campaigns are extremely young and much more liberal than the overall population, and also much more educated…I think this is pushing them to use overly ideological language, to not show enough messaging or policy restraint and, from a symbolic perspective, to use words that regular voters literally don't understand…"

For Shor, these kiddos just need to calm down a bit and dumb down the language. But others don't see this as an issue. In fact, the issue isn't overzealous, over-educated libs at all, it's those dang white people!

Ward quotes Steve Phillips, founder of Democracy in Color and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress:

"It is true that the leadership as well as too much of the staff of the Democratic Party—and in particular in the progressive ecosystem—is largely white… [and] the problem with having the political leadership of the progressive part of the Democratic Party be disproportionately white is that you don't have people who have cultural competence [in communities of color], you don't have fighters…"

Hmm, so the choices on the table are too young and smart or white people… Frankly, I've seen plenty of the old people in the Democratic party act and say stupid things, so it can't be just young people. And there's an obvious shortage of brainpower over there. But the idea of blaming any problem on race makes my skin crawl. I'm just going to sit here, shaking my head, tossing popcorn into my mouth as the left dukes it out over this one.

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