Thursday, October 21, 2021

Alyssa Milano Demands Netflix Remove Dave Chappelle Special and Chappelle Apologize for Hurting Feelings

Alyssa Milano Demands Netflix Remove Dave Chappelle Special and Chappelle Apologize for Hurting Feelings
Brodigan - October 21, 2021 at 09:51AM

Out on bail and fresh out of jail, Alyssa Milano was walking down the street in Washington D.C.. She was in our nation's capital to whine about Joe Biden sucking at his job. Something about Biden not doing enough to pass the Corrupt Politicians Voting Act. A reporter saw Milano walking down the street and thought the actress might have some insight into the Dave Chappelle/Netflix brouhaha. You youngbloods may not know this, but Milano used to be an actress. These days she spends her time tweeting dumb things and thinking black people need her to speak for them.

It appears the star of Poison Ivy 2 and Embrace of the Vampire is no Chappelle fan.

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"I think there's no room for any hate speech right now in America. I think Netflix should pull the special, and Dave should actually sit down and have a conversation with people from the community so that they can tell him why they were hurt by it."

She even said this on the day a Chappelle fan was brutally assaulted by Netflix employees. How rude.

Add Milano to the list of critics who never watched the special. The entire special WAS Chappelle's mea culpa to the 2SLGBTQQIA+. He even said that he, Dave Chappelle, would never joke about the 2SLGBTQQIA+ again. All he asked in return is if the T's of 2SLGBTQQIA+ would please stop "punching down."

SPOILER: They haven't.

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