Friday, October 29, 2021

Joe Biden's Administration Allegedly Plans to Pay Illegal Migrants $450k for 'Lasting Psychological Trauma'

Joe Biden's Administration Allegedly Plans to Pay Illegal Migrants $450k for 'Lasting Psychological Trauma'
Brodigan - October 29, 2021 at 07:28AM

There are people who think that Joe Biden is not in control of his administration. Many of those people are snarky bloggers like myself who think Joe Biden sucks at life and enjoy making fun of him. But IF it's true, and Biden is being controlled like Jim Henson with his hand up Kermit's ass, I wonder if he's actually being controlled by the Republican party. That is the only way the Biden admin pitching an idea to pay ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS $450,000 apiece makes any sense. It's to sabotage the midterm elections so Republicans sweep into power and pave the way for Ron DeSantis's presidency.

Otherwise, if this Wall Street Journal report is true, it would mean there are people with allegedly functioning brains who think giving half a million APIECE to people who crossed the board illegally is a good idea. According to the WSJ, it's to help resolve the lawsuits on behalf of parents and children "who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma." $450k, per person, if they were, quote, "affected by Trump administration's zero-tolerance policy in 2018"

Per WSJ: "A DHS spokeswoman referred questions to the Justice Department, where a spokeswoman declined to comment. The Department of Health and Human Services didn't respond to a request for comment."

I'm thinking one of two things here. The first is that this is being floated as a test balloon to see just how massive the backlash would be. Just like the mileage tax or paying Central America to keep their citizens. The other option is that there is one person working in the Biden admin who isn't a complete nincompoop and leaked the story to put the big kibosh on the 1-877-Cash-4-Illegals scheme.

The fact this idea was even uttered aloud is frighting enough. Any spending bill put forth by leftists needs to be gone over line by line. Guarantee there is someone who think illegals are infrastructure and tries sneaking this in.

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