Monday, October 25, 2021

Atlanta Braves Heading to World Series, Gov. Brian Kemp Couldn't Wait to Rub it in Stacey Abrams Smug Face

Atlanta Braves Heading to World Series, Gov. Brian Kemp Couldn't Wait to Rub it in Stacey Abrams Smug Face
Brodigan - October 25, 2021 at 08:14AM

The Atlanta Braves are heading to the world series. Local businesses in the metro area will get some of that baseball-related revenue they lost out on over the summer thanks to election truther Stacey Abrams. This is a fact Governor Brian Kemp couldn't wait to rub in Abrams smug face.

While Stacey Abrams and the MLB stole the All-Star Game from hardworking Georgians, the Braves earned their trip to the World Series this season and are bringing it home to Georgia. Chop On, and Go @Braves!

Let's recap because March seems like so long ago. Gov. Kemp signed Georgia's common-sense voter integrity law. Like with most common-sense voter integrity laws, Democrats claimed they were raaaaaaaaaacist. Leading the charge against Georgia was Stacey Abrams, a failed gubernatorial candidate who has yet to concede she lost the free and fair election in 2018. Abrams was supportive of Major League Baseball pulling the All-Star Game out of Atlanta in protests. Though, she was allowed to edit her OpEd saying so after people started to blame her for it. The "fact" checkers have since used the stealthily edited OpEd to "fact" check she was opposed to the boycott.

Our puddingheaded president got involved. Biden, repeating the same lies about the bill, went on ESPN and supported MLB pulling the All-Star Game out of the state. MLB did, costing the local businesses in the area the much-needed revenue as they were coming out of the shutdown. The baseball league claimed the decision was "the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport is by relocating this year's All-Star Game and MLB Draft." Brian Kemp went nuclear.

Now, three months after the All-Star game was played in Colorado--which has stricter voting laws than Georgia's common-sense ones--Major League Baseball is back in the Peach State. Instead of one major games played in Atlanta, there will be 2-4 played. No word on how this effects MLB's "values" as a sport. But Gov. Kemp and the people of Atlanta are thrilled.

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from Steven Crowder Says