Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Biden Allegedly Ordered Afghanistan Evacuation Planes to be Filled Without Vetting Passengers

Biden Allegedly Ordered Afghanistan Evacuation Planes to be Filled Without Vetting Passengers
Joseph Gunderson - October 27, 2021 at 10:17AM

I really wish I could say that the Afghanistan withdrawal couldn't possibly have been worse, but I also really wish the United States wasn't being threaten by a communist takeover. Sometimes we just don't get what we want, I suppose. Well, it has been revealed that our Dunce-in-Chief Joe Biden allegedly ordered that planes evacuating Afghan refugees during the withdrawal load the planes without properly vetting them.

Senator Josh Hawley shared on Twitter the email he received revealing this little detail.

"NEWS: This email was shared w/ me by an American official present jn Afghanistan during the evacuation who was shocked by Administration's failure to vet Afghans before they were evacuated. Email details orders from Joe Biden to fill up the planes - even without vetting"

Now, we know what has happened to some of those refugees. They've been secreted away to Kosovo. But do we really trust that only a few people were a threat risk out of all those planeloads of people? Are we sure no one squeezed through the cracks? Not like it would have been difficult.

Biden couldn't possibly have f*cked this up any worse… I say that now, but I'm sure we will continue to learn more about the sh*t show that was the Afghanistan withdrawal. What do you think will be the next detail to come out? Was Hunter Biden on the ground dealing crack rocks to the Taliban? It doesn't sound too farfetched, does it?

Our leaders are incompetent idiots. Who votes for these people?!

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