Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Watch: Police Attempt Using Dogs Against Maskless Citizens, But the Dogs Choose Freedom and Turn on the Cops

Watch: Police Attempt Using Dogs Against Maskless Citizens, But the Dogs Choose Freedom and Turn on the Cops
Brodigan - October 20, 2021 at 11:37AM

We've seen versions of this video all throughout the summer. Police are "just following orders" by enforcing authoritarian and anti-science pandemic restrictions. Dumb things like arresting a man in a park while his daughter cries in his lap. You can only convince yourself you are just "doing your job" so much before realizing who is right and who is wrong. Some cops are quitting. Others keep up the charade. But when your K-9 unit rises up and says they are sick of this sh!t, it's time to take a longer look at yourself in the mirror.

Allegedly rises up, at least. You know the viral video disclaimer. Allow for missing context, time and place, and so on. Not The Bee places this video in the Netherlands.

Here's what I think happened in this video. Buster and Duke have been partners ever since transferring from the dog pound to the police department. The job has been getting to both of them, but Buster more than Duke. Buster was a changed man ever since hearing Australia was putting shelter dogs down so people wouldn't leave their homes to rescue them. Duke is more into funny videos, like the dog pulling the lady's mask off.

One day on patrol, Buster had enough. He was told to go after three maskless dudes enjoying the fresh air in a park. This violated all public "health" orders but violated Buster's conscience more. He refused, then when his handler raised his voice, Buster turned on the cops. Duke has never failed to have Buster's six. Once Duke realized "oh, we're doing this," he turned on the cops, too. No more were these two canine heroes just going to "follow" orders.

That's at least what I think happened. The three maskless dudes could have just been litering or something.

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