Monday, October 25, 2021

WaPo Forced to Issue 'Greatest Correction in History of Journalism' in Their Let's Go Brandon Hit Piece

WaPo Forced to Issue 'Greatest Correction in History of Journalism' in Their Let's Go Brandon Hit Piece
Brodigan - October 25, 2021 at 01:35PM

Over the weekend, the Washington Post wrote the definitive history of the "Let's Go Brandon" chant. You may have been too busy chanting "Let's go Brandon" and/or "F*ck Joe Biden" at a sporting event to notice. Once a congressman dropped an LGB on the floor of the House and anti-Biden bars are blowing up the rap charts, WaPo looked into the history of the popular euphemism for telling our puddingheaded president to fornicate with himself.

If you care to read the article, whoomp, here it is. It can be summed up with anonymous White House staffers claiming they never heard of the chant and implying the chant they never heard of started on 8chan. There was also a glaring error. According to WaPo, Donald Trump Jr. has promoted the meme, and at a recent rally, encourage the audience to chant "Let's Go Brandon." Here's the rub: the rally was before "Let's Go Brandon" became a thing.

The article has since been corrected. And I quote, "A previous version of this article incorrectly said a crowd broke into a "Let's go Brandon" chant during a Donald Trump Jr. speech in Georgia. The crowd broke into a "F--- Joe Biden!" chant at that speech in September. The error, which was inserted by an editor, has been corrected."

The Washington Post had to issue a correction that Don Jr. didn't encourage a "Let's Go Brandon" chant. He actually encouraged a "F*ck Joe Biden" chant. Donald Trump Jr. issued the following statement applauding the WaPo for their promptness in handling the matter.

Every so often, the Internet makes you fall in love with it all over again. God bless the Washington Post. God bless Don Jr. And f*ck Joe Biden.

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