Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Joe Biden Brags to Children How Much He Hates the Press, Here's a Montage of Him Running Away from Reporters

Joe Biden Brags to Children How Much He Hates the Press, Here's a Montage of Him Running Away from Reporters
Brodigan - October 26, 2021 at 07:51AM

Joe Biden was allowed around little children on Monday. Anytime you let Joe around kids you're taking a risk. Luckily, Biden behaved himself. He taught the impressionable youths a valuable lesson: always avoid people whose job is to hold you accountable. Joe Biden, the most popular president ever, bragged to little kids how he likes to avoid answering to the press.

To illustrate that point and how much of a scaredy cat our president is of milquetoast questions, the fine folks at MRCTV put together this medley of Biden running away.

If the last guy, or any Republican, said the same to a classroom, the media would have a coronary. Brian Stelter would cry into his breakfast cheesecake. But Joe Biden, while he may not know much, knows that, as a Democrat, he can say whatever he wants about the media. All he has to do is continue to not be Donald Trump and leave the money on the nightstand, and Biden can get away with anything.

Like, have your aides save you. Or, instruct world leaders in front of the press not to take questions from the press. Then, there's my personal favorite: When all else fails and a reporter sneaks in an unapproved question, have an old-man meltdown and lash out at them. When you're a Democrat, the media lets you do it. You can do anything.

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