Friday, October 22, 2021

TikTok Teacher Sings Quiet Part Out Loud, Calls Concerned Parents 'Terrorists'

TikTok Teacher Sings Quiet Part Out Loud, Calls Concerned Parents 'Terrorists'
Joseph Gunderson - October 22, 2021 at 09:06AM

TikTok is to insanity what needles are to heroin, and it seems our culture loves the drugs and TikTok has more than could ever be consumed! And as an added bonus, you can sing along as this unhinged, over-educated lunatic maligns parents for all the world to see.

The Libs of Tik Tok brings us this little gem, shared early yesterday, showing a teacher—who could possibly be a double for Penguin's mother in Gotham—smiling away and clapping her hands to the lyrics of her first, and hopefully last, musical hit.

"Terrorists. Terrorists. Purple for Parents are… Terrorists. Terrorists. Purple for Parents are… While some had good intentions, they all were misinformed. Now threatening violence, doxing teachers has become the norm. They come to school board meetings with lots of things to say, and they will bully, cuss or scream if they don't get their way."

It's stupid. It's poorly contrived. It's all the things we've come to expect of teachers these days with a little extra helping of cringe. And this singing maniac is upset that teachers are concerned about their children, which has quickly become national news thanks to the craven worms on the Loudoun County School Board.

If you didn't already know what Purple for Parents is, they certainly aren't terrorists—although, by school board standards, this isn't exactly true. Their website says,

"In an effort to combat the false truths and damage caused by #redfored, the #purpleforparents movement began in Arizona. The goal is to empower parents with information and get involved in their children's education. As more teacher strikes happen across the country, more people are fighting back! We support teachers, we demand higher standards for our educational system and we call upon the districts for complete funding transparency."

These are the "terrorists" to which her tone-deaf caterwauling is aimed. God forbid parents interfere with her indoctrination of students. I imagine she'll just have to keep coming out with new hits because parents are only just getting started!

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