Monday, October 25, 2021

A Shroud of Secrecy Surrounds Afghanistan Refugees Sent to a US Base in Kosovo

A Shroud of Secrecy Surrounds Afghanistan Refugees Sent to a US Base in Kosovo
Joseph Gunderson - October 25, 2021 at 11:08AM

The saga continues to unfold as Afghan refugees are resettled after the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

In the United States, Afghan refugees have been imported by the thousands since August, often without performing extensive vetting beforehand. For those who have been brought to our shores, most are currently housed at various military bases around the country. But for those who have had some vetting and found to be a risk, they have been sent to Kosovo, to a place called Camp Bondsteel.

Very little is known about what is going on at Camp Bondsteel. As reported at the Military Times,

"[The refugees] are in a kind of limbo because they aren't detained but they aren't necessarily free to leave either at this point. They volunteered to be evacuated from Afghanistan but were flagged at one of the transit points in Europe or the Middle East and told they had to go to Kosovo. Some chose to bring their families with them while authorities work with analysts and other experts from the FBI, DHS and other agencies to resolve questions about their identity or past associations […] They are free to move about the the [sic] base but cannot leave under conditions set by the government of Kosovo."

While agencies may be sifting through backgrounds and determining whether these individuals pose a legitimate threat, Military Times reports that "[t]he U.S. has not sent anyone back to Afghanistan", which would lead one to wonder what will be done with those who are found to be threats. Apparently, this will be decided on an "individualized" basis.

Questions remain unanswered about what exactly earned refugees a trip to Kosovo, but "Bondsteel remains off-limits to outsiders, including lawyers who might potentially represent people [who] aren't ultimately allowed to enter the U.S.".

Secrets seem to be the name of the game for the Biden administration these days. Recently, the administration was found to be secretly flying migrants from the southern border into New York in the dead of night.

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