Saturday, October 30, 2021

WaPo Reporter Already Blaming 'Whiteness' for Terry McAuliffe Losing Virginia Before Terry McAuliffe Loses VA

WaPo Reporter Already Blaming 'Whiteness' for Terry McAuliffe Losing Virginia Before Terry McAuliffe Loses VA
Brodigan - October 30, 2021 at 08:48AM

Virginians vote for governor on Tuesday. It should be a cakewalk for Democrat Terry McAuliffe. Virginia hasn't gone Republican since 2009. It's even a reliable blue state in presidential races. But as we get into the final 72 hours, McAuliffe is at risk of losing a race he shouldn't. The media is already preparing to blame his loss not on McAuliffe or the incompetent boobery of Joe Biden but on their favorite excuse: raaaaaaaacism.

Or, "whiteness" as WaPo's Jonathan Capehart puts it. (h/t Newsbusters)

"The fact that we're having a conversation about Critical Race Theory that is not taught in public schools in Virginia, it just goes to show how Republicans have decided that picking at white grievance and tap-dancing with white supremacy is their way back into power."

M'kay. This black mother, Iranian father, and Asian mother are among the diverse group of parents who might take exception to that. And if we're really going with the academic definition "Critical Race Theory," literally the only three words leftists DON'T support changing the definition of, I'd be curious to know what we should call it when six-year-olds are taught they're evil for being white. Or when biracial children are taught that one of their parents is terrible.

And all those examples (except for one) are parents from Loudoun County, an area that went for Biden by twenty-four points.

"And if Glenn Youngkin wins, yeah, the Democrats should be afraid because fear works. And I like to say, whiteness is a hell of a drug. And going into the midterm elections, we will see just how successful it can be."

If a white Democrat loses a state that the white Democratic president won two years ago, and fails to succeed a white Democrat governor who had a blackface scandal (but it's okay, because they are all white democrats), then 'whiteness' is to blame. Okay, maybe Capehart has a point there. Just not the one he's making.

I don't know if Republican Terry Youngkin is going to win. I'd rather bet on a Detroit Lions victory than guess what the electorate is going to do. If I were running the Youngkin campaign, I'd be telling everyone we're currently behind two points and fight accordingly. But if McAuliffe loses, it won't be because of racism or whiteness. It will be because McAuliffe sucks at life. It will also be because liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) spent the last year attacking concerned parents.

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