Thursday, October 21, 2021

Watch: Three Little Punks Attempt Armed Robbery, Wind Up Eating This Marine's Fist Instead

Watch: Three Little Punks Attempt Armed Robbery, Wind Up Eating This Marine's Fist Instead
Brodigan - October 21, 2021 at 12:00PM

Few things are more satisfying than watching thugs, punks, and other hooligans get their comeuppance. Cameras are everywhere, so it makes for great content. That goes double if the nogoodniks have a weapon and the person they are attempting to mess with has hands and/or no f*cks to give. Welcome to a convenience store in Arizona, where three little punks met a big bad Marine and learned the words "Semper Fi" the hard way.

What makes this great content is that Sergeant Hands didn't even flinch. The dude looked like he was picking up a sixer and maybe a Snickers bar. He was mid-conversation when the attempted robbery was about to pop off. Sergeant Hands assessed the threat and immediately went into action.

SGT. HANDS: ...yeah, these 'F*ck Joe Biden' chants are hysterical. I read about them on the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website.

THUG #1: Give me your money.

SGT. HANDS: How about I give you deez nuts instead.


The threats were dealt with. Or, I should say "threats." The first guy wasn't much of a threat, and the other two were quick to run off like little biyatches. Sergeant Hands most likely went back to his conversation with the dude behind the counter, who was lucky he wore his brown pants that day.

Cheers to our hero saving the day! I give this video 7/10. It could have used some dialogue and the first thug saying "ouch" and "stop hitting me."

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