Monday, October 25, 2021

WATCH: Sen. Rand Paul Drags Anthony Fauci After Latest NIH Report, "He Should Be Fired…He Lied"

WATCH: Sen. Rand Paul Drags Anthony Fauci After Latest NIH Report, "He Should Be Fired…He Lied"
Joseph Gunderson - October 25, 2021 at 09:15AM

In an interview over the weekend with Axios, Senator Rand Paul slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci for lying to Congress. A recent letter from the National Institutes of Health to members of the Congress admits that the department did, in fact, fund gain of function research in Wuhan, China, that led to the creation of COIVD-19. This admission proves false the claim by Fauci in a previous testimony before the Congress in which he denied funding the Wuhan lab's research.

"On Wednesday, the NIH sent a letter to members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce that acknowledged two facts. One was that EcoHealth Alliance, a New York City–based nonprofit that partners with far-flung laboratories to research and prevent the outbreak of emerging diseases, did indeed enhance a bat coronavirus to become potentially more infectious to humans, which the NIH letter described as an "unexpected result" of the research it funded that was carried out in partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The second was that EcoHealth Alliance violated the terms of its grant conditions stipulating that it had to report if its research increased the viral growth of a pathogen by tenfold."

Fauci is no stranger to lying to the American people, though, so it comes as no surprise to Americans who have kept up with the news since COVID began or, really, for just the past few months. And he will undoubtedly continue to lie, even in light of so much evidence piling up.

This also isn't the first time Sen. Paul has put Fauci's feet to the fire. Sen. Paul previously called Fauci out for lying to congress about funding the research in Wuhan. In response, Fauci said the senator didn't know what he was talking about.

That statement certainly didn't age well because, as it turns out, Sen. Paul knew damn well what he was talking about. And when the emails leaked soon after, Sen. Paul again went after Fauci, saying he was "morally culpable".

Fauci EMAILS: Rand Paul Was Right ALL ALONG! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says