Friday, October 22, 2021

Shocker: More and More Americans Admit Having to Skip Meals to Afford Biden's Inflation

Shocker: More and More Americans Admit Having to Skip Meals to Afford Biden's Inflation
Joseph Gunderson - October 22, 2021 at 12:13PM

Thanks to the Biden administration's terrible economic policies, prices on everything from gas to groceries have seen a sudden leap, and some Americans simply aren't prepared for the higher costs. The awful reality of the current inflation crisis hit home in a new poll by Zogby.

Nearly one-third of Americans now admit they and or their families have skipped or missed meals as a result of climbing costs. If bare shelves due to the growing transportation disruptions were not enough, the food that does make it to the shelves has sometimes been too expensive for families to stock the cupboards!

Out of those surveyed, 34% of Republicans, 24% of Democrats, and 31% of Independents say they have skipped meals. Also, 32% of women as well as 26% of men, say they or their families have skipped meals because of the prices. I'm guessing these aren't the millionaire and billionaires Joe Biden claims will be paying for his agenda.

"Food insecurity is becoming increasingly too familiar these days," says pollster Jonathon Zogby.

Bare shelves and growing price tags… The cargo is stuck on ships, and the government keeps handing out money. But don't worry, the ginger-haired succubus behind the podium says that people are just worried about delayed treadmills.

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