Sunday, October 24, 2021

Watch: Migrant Caravan Marches Towards Border Flying American Flag Without Stars: 'Joe Biden is for All'

Watch: Migrant Caravan Marches Towards Border Flying American Flag Without Stars: 'Joe Biden is for All'
Brodigan - October 24, 2021 at 09:01AM

Joe Biden campaigned on repealing Donald Trump's common-sense illegal immigration reform. As soon as Biden got sworn in, he repealed Donald Trump's common-sense illegal immigration reform. Our southern border has been in crisis ever since. Now, we have another migrant caravan making its way to the border and blowing past the Mexican National Guard. Unclear is if this is the surge of 400,000 migrants the Biden administration was expecting, or if it's a new surge.

What is clear is that the caravan is coming as a result of Joe Biden opening the doors. The migrants believe that "Joe Biden is for all" and that "America is for everyone." They are symbolizing this by flying an American flag with no stars. Because if you are illegally entering a country, having your own version of that country's flag makes sense.

What the caravan and many other illegal migrants are finding out is what 81,000,000 Americans are finding out the hard way. Joe Biden is an incompetent putz. They started surging across the border because they believed the doors were open. Because Joe Biden campaigned on opening the doors. After discovering what a mess Joe Biden made of everything, it's making some of them long for the Orange Man. As caravan organizer Irineo Mujica says, at least they know what they got.

"They're just in denial of their own fault. They haven't been able to handle immigration. If I tell you the truth, I believe at least with Donald Trump we knew what we had. With Biden, we don't know. He doesn't seem to have a clue what to do with immigration because he says one thing and does another."

Expect Joe Biden to ignore reporters shouting questions to him about the border this week. Jen Psaki tried blaming "the mess left by Biden's predecessor" for the Joe Biden border crisis. When both the people who opposed illegal immigration and the people LEADING a caravan of illegal immigrants put the blame on Biden, good luck selling "it's all Trump's fault" with the American people.

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