Friday, October 29, 2021

Terry McAuliffe Thinks VA Voters are Stupid and That His Campaign Didn't Stage This 'White Nationalist' Photo

Terry McAuliffe Thinks VA Voters are Stupid and That His Campaign Didn't Stage This 'White Nationalist' Photo
Brodigan - October 29, 2021 at 12:28PM

Terry McAuliffe is in trouble. His campaign has been in free fall ever since he told Virginia parents he doesn't think they should have a say in their kids' education. In the past twenty-four hours, Fox News has released a poll that has Glenn Youngkin, the Republican challenger, up eight points. WaPo released a poll that says education is the #1 issue for voters, and they swung to Youngkin in the past month FORTY-FOUR POINTS. So, the Macker has to resort to dirty tricks--like this photo op that was obviously staged by his campaign.

It starts with a tweet from a local reporter:

That got amplified by Terry McAuliffe's campaign twenty minutes later:

First, if we're even going to dig up the Unite the Right rally again, besides pointing out how much the media lied about Donald Trump, this should have been the last word of the entire event:

The Great Reset is Real! Confirmed by Droopy Al Franken on CNN! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says