Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Let's Go Brandon: The #1 and #2 Songs on the iTunes Charts are Anti-Biden Anthems Beating Adele, Ed Sheeran

Let's Go Brandon: The #1 and #2 Songs on the iTunes Charts are Anti-Biden Anthems Beating Adele, Ed Sheeran
Brodigan - October 26, 2021 at 01:47PM

What started as college bros being funny at a college football game has taken over the iTunes music charts. Bryson Gray's "Let's Go Brandon" and Loza Alexander's "Lets Go Brandon" are the #1 and #2 songs on the charts. They're beating out Adele, Ed Sheeran, and that annoying country song about Applebee's everyone is TikToking to. I saw this on Breitbart News and went to get take a look. By that time, Alexander had a second version of "Let's Go Brandon" climbing the charts.

As I've said this week, sometimes the internet makes you fall in love with it all over again.

I believe Loza Alexander was the first to hit #1 with his rendition of "Lets Go Brandon." He focused more on the original reporter who *accidentally* said "Let's Go Brandon" and how the media tries pretending Biden is likable.

Bryson Gray's "Let's Go Brandon" is more about how grossly incompetent Biden is and all the freedom Americans are at risk of losing. Gray's joint must have touched a nerve somewhere because YouTube BANNED his video for what they call "medical misinformation." Big Tech is at the point where they are "fact" checking rap bars if they contradict the CDC.

I want to know where we're going to get the hardcore "F*ck Joe Biden" banger. Maybe Gray and Alexander can collab. As Senior F*ck Joe Biden Correspondent here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website, I'd be happy to contribute a verse.

What I really love about this is the badass DIY aspect of it all. Here you have two MCs independent from labels. For all I know, their "studios" could be rooms in their houses and a bunch of equipment they bought off Amazon. They had an idea. They wrote lyrics. They found the beat. They recorded and uploaded. And they're both currently topping MAJOR RECORDING ARTISTS who spend ludicrous sums of money to record their tracks.

God bless America!

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