Monday, October 25, 2021

'It's Flat Out Disgusting': Ron DeSantis Eviscerates Anthony Fauci Over Report NIH was Torturing Puppies

'It's Flat Out Disgusting': Ron DeSantis Eviscerates Anthony Fauci Over Report NIH was Torturing Puppies
Brodigan - October 25, 2021 at 01:08PM

Anthony Fauci has proven over the past nineteen months (plus fifteen days to flatten the curve) how much he hates freedom and children. It's no surprise that he hates puppies, too. Or, ALLEGEDLY hates puppies. If under oath, I'm sure Fauci will claim to have good sciencey reasons for what he is alleged to do in this report on the NIH experimenting on dogs. A bipartisan group of congresspeople is already demanding answers. As is, America's governor Ron DeSantis. Fauci's other arch-nemesis besides Rand Paul.

"You can't have mad scientists running around playing God like this. And then come to find out what else is Fauci and NIH doing? They're doing cruel experiments on puppies. What they were doing with those puppies is flat-out disgusting. It's despicable. That needs to stop. I can't believe American tax dollars would go to treat those dogs or be treated. I really think Fauci needs to be held accountable."

One can argue Anthony Fauci needs to be held accountable for lots of things. But, you know.

To recap from the weekend, White Coat Waste claimed that forty-four puppies were used in several horrifying experiments--some of the dogs had their vocal cords removed, so the scientists could work in peace and quiet--and that Anthony Fauci's NIH division shipped part of a grant to the lab in North Africa where the research was being done to, quote, "drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sandflies so that the insects could eat them alive."

If I were a betting man, ten bucks say Fauci's excuse is that we don't know what we're talking about and that we're all too dumb to understand. I still want to see him dragged before the Senate to tell us that.

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