Wednesday, October 27, 2021

SHOW NOTES: Biden Wants to DESTROY the Suburbs! Here's How…

SHOW NOTES: Biden Wants to DESTROY the Suburbs! Here's How…
Team Crowder - October 27, 2021 at 09:22AM

No one is talking about what Joe Biden has planned for YOUR suburbs. We explain why you need to be concerned. We also get into the liberal lies being told about gas prices. And why is the alleged Loudoun County rapist called a "boy in a skirt"?

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  • Yesterday on CNN, Al Franken admitted gas is going to get more expensive, but if the bill passes, more basic things will be affordable.
  • REBUTTAL: Gas prices in America vs. Europe (UK). SOURCES: GasPrices AAA, GlobalPetrol
    • US: $3.39/gallon
    • UK: $7.44/gallon
    • Norway: $8.55/gallon
    • Germany: $7.38/gallon
    • France: $7.23/gallon
  • Highest Income Tax Rates. SOURCES: FrenchProperty, TaxFoundation, Gov.Uk, Tranio
    • US: 37% for $500k +
    • UK: 45% for $200k +
    • GERMANY: 45% for $318k +
    • FRANCE: 45% for $185k +


  • Yesterday, the rapist in the Loudoun county bathroom case was found guilty. SOURCE: Patch
  • According to Harvard, gender fluid is defined as: "Change over time in a person's gender expression or gender identity, or both. That change might be in expression, but not identity, or in identity, but not expression. Or both expression and identity might change together." SOURCE: Harvard
  • During the trial, the female victim testified she had consensual sex with the defendant twice before her rape. This instance was different because she said no and was thrown to the ground and assaulted. SOURCE: WaPo


  • SETUP: Biden has made fair housing a crux of his campaign and Presidency. He's doing this by reinstating Obama's Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Agreement. SOURCE: HUD
  • The rule would federalize ALL suburban zoning regulations. Biden's rule is even WORSE than Obama's because it forces local gov to comply by withholding transportation funds, like those used to repair highways. SOURCE: HUD, NYPost, JoeBiden
    • A HUD/Urban Institute study found the following about people who used public housing relocation vouchers in Chicago. SOURCE: HUD
        • 2.4x more likely to be arrested for property crime
        • 2.5x more likely to be arrested for violent crime
      • VICTIMS:
        • 1.1x more likely to be victim of property crime
        • 1.8x more likely to be victim of violent crime
    • A Texas A&M study on Section 8 housing voucher relocations found that in Houston there was a 95% increase in the probability of being arrested for violent crime. SOURCE: TexasA&M
    • A HUD/Urban Institute study found in Denver, "The [public housing] site in the highest-value, overwhelmingly white-occupied neighborhood apparently had a NEGATIVE effect on house prices." SOURCE: HUD
    • A UPenn study found that property values in Portland were highest the furthest away from public housing. SOURCE: UPenn
  • This is all being done under the guise of "diversity" and "equity." SOURCE: The Hill, White House, White House


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from Steven Crowder Says