Thursday, October 28, 2021

SHOW NOTES: WHY Does Media Call Loudoun Rapist a 'Boy in a Skirt'?!

SHOW NOTES: WHY Does Media Call Loudoun Rapist a 'Boy in a Skirt'?!
Team Crowder - October 28, 2021 at 09:06AM

It's our HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR! The media keeps calling the Loudoun County rapist a "boy in a skirt." Why is that? We also give an update on the Arlington school shooter. And John Oliver needs to be debunked on cops ... again!

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  • On "Last Week Tonight", John Oliver mocked cops resigning over vaccine and mask mandates. SOURCE: YouTube
  • Oliver said the cop "flipped out" when he was "simply asked" to put on a mask, but he didn't show the entire clip. The Mask Nazi was provoking the cops to get a viral video.
  • The Left provokes the police because they know they won't retaliate.
    • Protest-related assaults on police are up 400% from 2019-2020. SOURCE: Mercury News, FBI, FBI
      • 2018: 590
      • 2019: 488
      • 2020: 2,444


  • An Iranian dad slammed the Loudoun County School Board for covering up the bathroom rape. SOURCE: LwC
  • On Tuesday, the rapist in the Loudoun County bathroom case was found guilty on one count of forcible sodomy and one count of forcible fellatio. SOURCE: Patch
  • The media has repeatedly called the defendant a "boy in a skirt." SOURCE: Daily Wire, Daily Caller, Newsweek
  • Multiple media outlets have reported the boy identifies as "gender fluid." SOURCES: Daily Mail Washington Examiner DailyDot WaPo
  • During the trial, the female victim testified she had consensual sex with the defendant twice before her rape. HOWEVER, this instance was different because she said "no" and was thrown to the ground and assaulted. SOURCE: WaPo


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from Steven Crowder Says