Wednesday, October 27, 2021

“S*** is Just Vile”: Instagram Model Excoriated for Pics with Father’s Dead Body

“S*** is Just Vile”: Instagram Model Excoriated for Pics with Father’s Dead Body
Joseph Gunderson - October 27, 2021 at 07:47AM

Narcissism is a real problem, exacerbated by a culture that feeds off social media and craves every last like. It really is a mental condition. And the insanity only gets worse as we move into the future and further down into the abyss. But at least we'll be gaining followers while we do it, yes?

Case and point, meet Jayne Rivera, a TikTok and Instagram fitness model who once garnered 307,300 and 84,800 followers on the platforms, respectively. Not anymore, though. And perhaps this is a sign that there is a limit to just what people are willing to let slide because she managed to lose a large chunk of those followers after recently snapping a series of photos of her posing beside her deceased father's coffin, body lying cold inside it.

I've never taken pictures at a funeral. I've been to a few, but my family is Catholic, so it's always a solemn occasion. But this young lady didn't just take pictures. She struck several poses, attempting to allure her fans with dead daddy in the background. I'm not joking. You can see him. She obviously doesn't look too upset about her father dying. I'm sure she cried more watching her followers unsubscribe.

Her many fans also let her know exactly what they thought of her stunt:

"Funeral photo shoots? Yeesh."

"The fact that u would post something like this tells us everything we need to know about you."

"This is a hard unfollow. God rest that man's soul."


"S**t is just vile, and down right disgusting."

The way she's dressed in the pictures leads me to believe she planned to take them, and this wasn't an impromptu thing. Planned or not, I'm sure her father wouldn't be pleased. I feel ashamed of her, and I don't even know her.

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