Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Watch: Ted Cruz EVISCERATES Merrick Garland Over Targeting Parents and You Just Love to See It

Watch: Ted Cruz EVISCERATES Merrick Garland Over Targeting Parents and You Just Love to See It
Joseph Gunderson - October 27, 2021 at 01:53PM

This afternoon, Attorney General Merrick Garland testified before a congressional hearing, and he wasn't prepared for the kind of metaphorical beating he was going to receive. Senator Ted Cruz gave one helluva performance, skull dragging Garland for every single person in the chamber to see. It made for very compelling television. It was magnificent.

In my head I see Willem Dafoe firing his pistol in the air, "It was a firefight!"

Cruz definitely came in guns-a-blazing, immediately laying into the frail old man with a heavy punch to the gut.

"You came before this committee in your confirmation hearing, you promised things would be different. I asked you specifically, quote, 'Will you commit to this committee that under your leadership the department of justice will not target the political opponents of this administration.' Here was your answer, quote, 'Absolutely. It's totally inappropriate for the department to target any individual because of their politics or position in a campaign.' That was your promise just a few months ago. I'm sorry to say you have broken that promise."

THIS Is Why We #FightLikeHell: LwC Mission Statement | Louder with Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says