Sunday, October 31, 2021

AP Reporter Attempts to Storm Cockpit, Demands to Know Why Southwest Pilot Said 'Let's Go Brandon'

AP Reporter Attempts to Storm Cockpit, Demands to Know Why Southwest Pilot Said 'Let's Go Brandon'
Brodigan - October 31, 2021 at 07:35AM

We live in truly amazing times. It starts with Joe Biden being terrible at his job. So terrible, in fact, college students started chanting "F*ck Joe Biden" at football games. Other sports fans picked up the chant, including NASCAR fans. The chant split off to "Let's Go Brandon" when a reporter thought that's what she heard people chanting to NASCAR driver Brandon Brown. Then "Let's Go Brandon" became a thing and is LITERALLY TOPPING THE MUSIC CHARTS. Now, we have Colleen Long from the Associated Press explaining away who Brandon is and why people are celebrating him. She was so angry that people would be disrespectful towards a Democratic politician, she wanted to get into the cockpit of a Southwest flight when the pilot said "Let's Go Brandon" over the intercom.

"TFW you're trying to go on vacation and then the pilot says the very thing you're working on over the loud speaker and you have to try to get him comment but then almost get removed from plane. Also in defense of airline I was asking them to open locked cock pit and probably sounded insane!"

Could I be missing her tongue embedded in her cheek? Mayhaps. But her tweets have already been judged and have been found to be lacking.

Long didn't get a comment from the pilot. If I were to guess, the pilot is upset over "Brandon's" mandates forcing his colleagues out of a job. Though, she did get a comment from Southwest Airlines.

"On Friday morning on a Southwest flight from Houston to Albuquerque, the pilot signed off his greeting over the public address system with the phrase, to audible gasps from some passengers. Southwest said in a statement that the airline 'takes pride in providing a welcoming, comfortable, and respectful environment' and that 'behavior from any individual that is divisive or offensive is not condoned.'"

I'm sure her peers are working on doxxing the pilot as we speak. The media is very upset that Americans would use coded profanity to discuss their displeasure towards a Democratic politician.

I hope Ms. Long enjoys her vacation. She sounds like she could really use it. I'm so sorry this is all happening to her.

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