Saturday, October 23, 2021

'We Cannot Count on Local Government to Look Out for Our Children:' NYC Houses Pedophiles Near Schools

'We Cannot Count on Local Government to Look Out for Our Children:' NYC Houses Pedophiles Near Schools
Joseph Gunderson - October 23, 2021 at 11:29AM

If you were to name off the top five worst places in the United States, I could almost guarantee New York City would be on the list. And it would be for good reason: It's a terrible place. Case and point.

The geniuses over in the NYC government have seen it fit to house five registered sex offenders in a homeless shelter surrounded by freakin' schools! Two of these violent predators are convicted pedophiles! Who in the hell could ever think this was a good idea?! Only a government run by brainless goons!

One mother voiced her warranted anger in a manner justified but—in my opinion—perhaps a little too nicely.

"As parents, we cannot count on local government to look out for our children […] I am not opposed to helping those in need and providing shelters for the homeless in my community, but I am against placing violent pedophiles with a block of schools."

This lady needs to quit qualifying her legitimate concerns with equal concern for "providing shelter for the homeless." Her statement should've been,

"You've gotta be f*cking kidding me?! Are you people insane?"

Something like that. Especially seeing as how this isn't the first time the city has done something like this. In 2020, six homeless pedophiles were housed in a hotel in Manhattan only a block away from an elementary school playground. Either these people have no regard for the safety of children, or they are actively trying to put pedophiles near children. Both are depraved.

"Families no longer feel safe. We don't feel our kids are safe."

Luckily, I live in a state where it's legal to pack heat, but with such restrictive laws in NYC, there are few options for people to protect themselves. Leave while you can, people. I hear Florida is kind of cool.

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