Thursday, October 21, 2021

DC Artist Quits Over Un-American Superman: 'I'm Tired of this S***...'

DC Artist Quits Over Un-American Superman: 'I'm Tired of this S***...'
Joseph Gunderson - October 21, 2021 at 12:04PM

As the woke continue their march to destroy everything some people just aren't having it. Gabe Eltaeb, a colorist for DC Comics, is one such person. If it were not enough to turn superman into a bisexual, replacing "the American way" with "a better tomorrow" was the last straw for Eltaeb.

"I'm tired of this sh*t, I'm tired of them ruining these characters."

Eltaeb described the change as disgraceful, making a point that the left is effectively removing the voices of conservatives and traditional conservative ideas from the public space.

"They call us bigots and racists and sh*t […] I would ask them, find me in the [expletive] mainstream, not on the fringes, one [expletive] book, one [expletive] t-shirt, one movie that says that leftism is bad, and conservatism is good, find it for me, they [expletive] won't [sic] they're not letting people have a voice, they're the expletive bigots."

And Eltaeb isn't alone. He's actually in pretty good company, as the Man of Steel himself doesn't much appreciate the woke evolution of the character. Only people like Brian Stelter of CNN seem to be for the woke evolution. And who cares what he thinks?

"It's a bunch of [expletive] nonsense."

I agree with him: it's a bunch of [expletive] nonsense, my friend. I'd love to see this guy go head to potato with Brian Stelter over this.

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