Saturday, October 23, 2021

Watch: Kamala Harris Catches Biden Sickness with Cringey Cliche  Over What She 'Eats' in the Morning

Watch: Kamala Harris Catches Biden Sickness with Cringey Cliche  Over What She 'Eats' in the Morning
Brodigan - October 23, 2021 at 07:19AM

I'm not a scientist. I don't even play one on social media. I'm not sure if you can't catch someone's (alleged) onset dementia or their childhood stutter no one heard about until last year. But this video makes it look like Kamala Harris has been spending too much time with Joe Biden. I guess that's a good thing. There was a concern the two weren't getting along.

Anytime Kamala is in front of a camera, prepare for maximum cringe. That goes double when there are children around. In a paid actor way. Not in a trying to sniff them way. Kamala was giving a speech in It Doesn't Really Matter, NY where she did her best Joe Biden impersonation. Stuttering and stammering her way through a cheap cliche.

"My motto is I drink. No, I eat. I eat "no's" for breakfast. I eat and I drink, or I drink no's and I eat, I mean ... MY NAME IS NO! MY SIGN IS NO! Any Meghan Trainor fan in the house?"

The vice president went on to say she eats pieces of shh*t like Kyrsten Sinema for breakfast.

It's better than Joe Biden's favorite expression that he eats lightning and craps in his underpants. He's the president. Making it to the bathroom is for junior senators.

Harris should have stuck with her other favorite motto: If you aren't there for her at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best. Here's a spoiler: the girls who say that? They never have a best.

They say when couples spend too much time together they start to look like each other. Mayhaps it's possible for one to take on the other's diminishing mental faculties, as well. If we see Kamala Harris give a speech where she doesn't know what to do with her hands, we'll have our answer.

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