Thursday, October 28, 2021

Teens Give Lap Dances to Teachers During Drag Show at School, it was  'Intended to be Fun and Good-Natured'

Teens Give Lap Dances to Teachers During Drag Show at School, it was  'Intended to be Fun and Good-Natured'
Joseph Gunderson - October 28, 2021 at 07:48AM

Get your children out of the public schools immediately. This cannot be stressed enough. The public school system is irrevocably broken and has been all but completely taken over by an ideology that seeks to indoctrinate and sexualize your kids. If it isn't critical race theory, they are teaching them how to be Marxist revolutionaries. It's time everyone says enough is enough.

Then, you have this. At Hazard High School in Kentucky, during a homecoming assembly, male students performed a drag show for the school—what the school described as a "man pageant" and "costume day". We do know how much the left loves their euphemisms. What's more, the event devolved into a demonstration of deviance as the students gave lap dances to the faculty, which included the principal of the school who just so happens to also be the mayor of the city! This is beyond unacceptable, beyond appalling.

The smiles and laughter seen on the face of faculty members tell one all they need to know about them. They didn't see anything wrong with what was transpiring. They thought it was funny. They were having a good time. This is sick.

The Hazard Independent Schools released a statement about the incident, but it goes no further than the usual platitudes meant to quell the criticism just enough. Though, they did claim some "disciplinary action" was taken. (via The Post Millennial)

"Homecoming activities were planned as a celebration for students, staff, and the school community. All were intended to be fun and good-natured however, the activities did not play out as intended." In fact, the organization seems to be more concerned with the event escaping onto social media and the internet. They dedicate one of the longest paragraphs in the entire statement to stressing how students should learn to be responsible online: "we will provide social media training for our students and staff."

No. Enough is enough, and this cannot stand. The public schools need to be starved of victims for the system to feed upon. Your children deserve better than to be thrown to these monsters. And for teachers who don't agree with these kinds of activities—I understand that there are many of you—you must decide whether you want to remain associated with this repugnant behavior or take your skills and values elsewhere: the schools don't deserve to have you, either.

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from Steven Crowder Says