Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Caitlyn Jenner, Who Once Called Joe Rogan Joke "Transphobic," Defends Dave Chappelle Against Attacks

Caitlyn Jenner, Who Once Called Joe Rogan Joke "Transphobic," Defends Dave Chappelle Against Attacks
Brodigan - October 27, 2021 at 10:18AM

The controversy surrounding Dave Chappelle's recent Netflix special has quieted down a bit. Chappelle made it clear he is not bending the knee, and radical left-wing activists don't know what to do when their target for cancellation doesn't give them what they want. While activists plan their next extended lunch break, Chappelle found support from an unlikely ally: Caitlyn Jenner.

"Dave Chappelle is 100% right. This isn't about the LGBTQ movement. It's about woke cancel culture run amok, trying to silence free speech. We must never yield or bow to those who wish to stop us from speaking our minds."

Interesting about this is that way back in *checks notes* 2020, Jenner accused Joe Rogan (Chappelle's touring partner) of telling "transphobic" jokes. Rogan told a story about his joke writing process that ended with a comment about Jenner, and that maybe she wasn't trans as much as "living with crazy b!tches" turned her into one. That isn't a trans joke as much as a "the Kardashians are a bunch of crazy b!tches" joke. Caitlyn didn't feel that way and said Rogan was being transphobic. She didn't call for Rogan to be canceled just like the Netflix activists didn't "call" for Chappelle to be canceled. But lines are made to read between.

Jump to 2021, and Caitlyn found herself being canceled by the LGBTQ+ community because she said biological boys have an unfair advantage over biological girls. Suddenly cancel-culture mob--the same unhinged activists who would later go after Dave Chappelle--was coming for her, as they do ANYONE with both a platform and a different opinion.

It makes me wonder if Caitlyn's experience is what led to her coming to Chappelle's defense.

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