Thursday, October 21, 2021

Condoleezza Rice Wrecks 'The View,' Provides Common Sense Argument AGAINST Racial Indoctrination in Schools

Condoleezza Rice Wrecks 'The View,' Provides Common Sense Argument AGAINST Racial Indoctrination in Schools
Brodigan - October 21, 2021 at 07:16AM

The shrill harpies on The View are still trying to replace Meghan McCain. McCain was hired as the token conservative because she was John McCain's daughter who hated Donald Trump. Then producers found out the hard way that outside of hating Trump, Meghan wasn't only conservative, she wasn't afraid to be vocal about it. McCain got mean girled out and they are looking for a new replacement conservative. After this performance, you can cross Condoleezza Rice off of the list. Her common-sense argument AGAINST indoctrinating grade-school children with CRT goes against the leftist narrative Joy Behar prefers.

from Steven Crowder Says