Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Watch: Netflix Employees Attack Dave Chappelle Fan, Destroy His Sign, Then Claim 'He Has a Weapon'

Watch: Netflix Employees Attack Dave Chappelle Fan, Destroy His Sign, Then Claim 'He Has a Weapon'
Brodigan - October 20, 2021 at 05:45PM

A group of Netflix employees took an extended lunch break on Wednesday. They claimed it was a protest. The employees were protesting their employer, Netflix, over Dave Chappelle's latest special, "The Closer." Chappelle makes Netflix millions and millions of dollars, which helps pay the employees' salaries. But some of them didn't like Chappelle's jokes and are of the political philosophy if they don't like something, no one else should be allowed to like it. They tried crying on Twitter. When that didn't work, they organized today's extended lunch break.

As you can see from the one video that's gone viral from an event that trended on Twitter all day, things went about as well as you'd expect it to go.

We can now confirm this lone hero and victim of the attack as Vito Gesualdi.

A Dave Chappelle fan was exercising his first amendment rights by peacefully counter-protesting. His sign simply said, "We Like Dave." Echoing the sentiment of cats like Joe Rogan who believe Chappelle is one of the best to ever to do it. And look, to paraphrase Soultrain Jones, I don't know what a GOAT is. I'm not a farmer. But Dave Chappelle is the greatest of all time.

The humorless Netflix employees do not think the same of Chappelle. They attacked this lone fan of Dave's and viciously destroyed his sign. Then after destroying the man's sign, because these imbeciles didn't embarrass themselves enough, claimed the man had a weapon.

The "weapon" was the stick the man's sign was on. The sign, that the Netflix employees just destroyed.

Unavailable for comment is Dave Chappelle. Dave, if I were to guess, is too busy swimming in a giant pool of money ala Scrooge McDuck.

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