Thursday, October 28, 2021

Marine Who Stopped Robbery and Embarrasses Three Little Punks Accepts Award Wearing 'Let's Go Brandon' Shirt

Marine Who Stopped Robbery and Embarrasses Three Little Punks Accepts Award Wearing 'Let's Go Brandon' Shirt
Brodigan - October 28, 2021 at 08:30AM

You remember this guy from last week. The marine stopped three little punks from robbing a gas station. I jokingly referred to him as "Sgt. Hands" and suggested he was talking to the store clerk about "F*ck Joe Biden" chants. Turns out, his name is not Sgt. Hands. It's James Kilcer. However, judging by this photo of him accepting an award from the Yuma County Sheriff's Office, I might have that second part right.

To bring everyone up to speed, this is the incident that took place on October 20. Kilcer, without hesitation, disarmed a suspect and dropped him like Biden's poll numbers.

For Kilcer's heroism, he was given the YCSO Citizen's Valor Award, "for extraordinary heroism and exceptional courage while voluntarily coming to the aid of another citizen during an incident involving criminal activity at extreme, life-threatening, personal risk in an attempt to save or protect human life." It is the highest award for citizens whose actions warrant recognition.

And, if one thought he couldn't be more of a bada**, James Kilcer was photographed accepting his award--the highest one for citizens--while wearing a MAGA hat and a "Let's Go Brandon" shirt. He had to look his best for this moment, and what could be better than a "Let's Go Brandon" shirt. That photograph was then posted on the official Yuma County Sheriff's Office Page as part of an official release announcing Kilcer's receiving the award. An award that Kilcer accepted in a "Let's Go Brandon" shirt. Because James Kilcer is a f*cking legend, and that's what legend's do.

I would like to think I don't have to explain to you, the Louder with Crowder Dot Com audience, what "Let's Go Brandon" means. It's of course the less profane alternative to the popular F*ck Joe Biden chants running wild across America like Hulkamania in the 80s. An NBC Sports reporterr misheard "F*ck Joe Biden" as "Let's Go Brandon", and it took on a life of its own from there.

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