Monday, October 25, 2021

Watch: Dave Chappelle Addresses Netflix Controversy, "I Am Not Bending to ANYBODY'S Demands"

Watch: Dave Chappelle Addresses Netflix Controversy, "I Am Not Bending to ANYBODY'S Demands"
Brodigan - October 25, 2021 at 04:28PM

Dave Chappelle addressed all the fall out surrounding his Netflix special "The Closer." Dozens of Netflix employees took an extended lunch break in protest last week. The media is framing it as Dave versus the LBGTQ community. Chappelle addressed everything. He ALSO broke news about how he's being uninvited from film festivals.

Most importantly, though, Chappelle made it clear he is not backing down. He views this as an attack made by corporate media interests over what he can say and what he can't say.

"It's been said in the press that I was invited to speak to the transgender employees of Netflix and I refused. That is not true. If they had invited me I would have accepted it. Although I am confused about what we would be speaking about. I said what I said, and boy, I heard what you said. You said you want a safe working environment at Netflix. It seems like I'm the only one that can't go to the office."

Chappelle mentioned a documentary he had filmed over the summer of 2020, in the height of the lockdowns and the George Floyd protests. He was invited to all the major film festivals. He has since been uninvited from all of them. Netflix is actually the only place that hasn't canceled him. Yet.

But if there was any concern over Dave Chappelle bending the knee, nope.

"I am more than willing to give you an audience, but you will not summon me. I am not bending to anybody's demands."

The response to this by the leftists trying to cancel him is going to be fun to watch. And mock.

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