Saturday, October 23, 2021

National School Board Association Apologizes, Claim They Didn't Mean to Call Parents Domestic Terrorists

National School Board Association Apologizes, Claim They Didn't Mean to Call Parents Domestic Terrorists
Brodigan - October 23, 2021 at 08:38AM

It turns out, implying parents concerned about their children were "domestic terrorists" doesn't work out from an effective messaging standpoint. Radical left-wing school board members were tired of parents thinking they should be allowed an opinion in the children's education. The National School Board Association wrote a letter demanding Joe Biden and failed supreme court nominee Merrick Garland get involved and investigate parents under the Patriot Act. The White House gets giddy anytime they can defecate on the American people, and agreed to do so.

Then we found out one of the angry parents "threatening" the school board was angry because his daughter was (allegedly) raped. Now the NSBA realizes that maybe they're the baddies.

"On behalf of NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter. To be clear, the safety of school board members, other public school officials and educators, and students is our top priority, and there remains important work to be done on this issue. However, there was no justification for some of the language included in the letter. We should have had a better process in place to allow for consultation on a communication of this significance. We apologize also for the strain and stress this situation has caused you and your organizations."

Three key things happened since the original letter. The first is that we heard Scott Smith's story. Smith became the poster child for the anger being directed at school board members. Smith's anger was because his daughter was (allegedly) raped and a school board tried to cover it up. Here's how the school board treated Smith.

The second is that Attorney General Merrick Garland testified under oath in front of a House Committee on Thursday and will be under oath before the Senate next week.

The third, and the point I find most interesting, is this Washington Free Beacon scoop. The White House KNEW about the first letter and may have even helped write it:

"The letter makes clear that the White House was aware of the letter before it was released, while raising questions about whether the White House colluded with the association on the letter to prompt federal action. The letter has sparked allegations that the Biden administration is trying to stifle dissent among parents who oppose mask mandates and the teaching of critical race theory at America's schools."

Now the NSBA is apologizing. Saying that some of the language was inappropriate. And they are apologizing after the WFB story broke, and before Garland with be sworn under oath. Methinks none of that is coincidental.

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