Friday, October 22, 2021

Biden's CNN Fail: Creepy Whispers, 'Flashes' White Power Sign, and What the Deuce is He Doing with His Hands?

Biden's CNN Fail: Creepy Whispers, 'Flashes' White Power Sign, and What the Deuce is He Doing with His Hands?
Brodigan - October 22, 2021 at 07:48AM

Joe Biden appeared on CNN Thursday night. It was a town hall meeting that, at least in theory, was meant to sell his "Build Back Better" plan. Instead, it was an example of why the people who control Joe Biden try to keep him on the closed set they built across the street from the White House. There was some policy: he has no answer about the border crisis, no answer about gas prices, and no answer about inflation. There was a point where he insulted Americans who DON'T think the government should mandate they stick needles in their arms. It was a reboot of his last town hall meeting and a lot of the same bullplop.

As a small-town boy, born and raised in South Pettyville, I'd rather just make snark at the old coot's expense. Like the fact he's doing the creepy whisper thing again. Though, flashing the White Power hand sign is new.

You may THINK Biden was making a zero or holding up an okay sign. Or trying to get Anderson Cooper to look and then punching him in the nuts. But as the ADL reports, that is clearly a sign that symbolizes white power, and there can be no questioning the matter. It seems odd that Biden would flash a racist gang sign when he visited the MLK memorial earlier in the day. Maybe his handlers told him they were taking him to the ferris wheel.

There was this moment later on. I have no idea what he was doing with his hands, either. I can make an educated guess. But really, he just looks like a nincompoop.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I see Joe Biden bored and trying to do the robot. He's hoping Anderson notices him and throws him a quarter. Then Biden will act "alive" and move his arms. Biden always wanted to be a street performer in his retirement. They made him be president instead.

If the White House thought two hours of Biden being fluffed by CNN was going to stop voters from realizing they made a colossal mistake, I don't think Thursday night did the trick. At least Joe was funny to look at if you managed to forget he has access to the nuclear codes.

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