Thursday, October 21, 2021

SHOW NOTES: FOUR-STAR Admirals & NETFLIX WALKOUTS! Welcome to the Trans World Order!

SHOW NOTES: FOUR-STAR Admirals & NETFLIX WALKOUTS! Welcome to the Trans World Order!
Team Crowder - October 21, 2021 at 09:16AM

A new four-star admiral has been sworn in. It's transgender assistant health secretary Rachel Levine. We'll explain how and why and the issue with people calling Levine a "female." There was also a Netflix "walk out" over Dave Chappelle. Well, kind of. We also debunk Pete Buttigieg's ridiculous claims that the supply chain is just fine.

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  • On Monday, Congress asked Secretary Blinken to investigate Havana Syndrome. SOURCE: USA Today
  • A 2020 investigation said the syndrome was caused by directed microwave energy. SOURCE: The Sun
  • Symptoms of the syndrome Nausea, Headache, Memory Loss, Ear pain and hearing loss, and brain damage. SOURCE: The Economist


  • On Tuesday, Rachel Levine was sworn in as four-star admiral and the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps' highest-ranking official. SOURCE: LwC
  • The Biden Admin DHHS issued a statement declaring Levine the first FEMALE four-star admiral. SOURCE: Twitter
  • The tans argument has always been focused on the difference between sex and gender, but they didn't call Rachel Levine a woman. On Wednesday, they used the BIOLOGICAL term: female. SOURCES: CNN, CBS, NPR, Fox
  • Biological female= person who played football in high school with General Mark Milley. SOURCE: Heavy, NYT


  • CLAIM: The ships at California's ports are a sign of increased demand.
    • Increased demand for goods is part of the reason for backlogs, but:
      • This is more reflective of changes in consumer spending caused by Covid measures. SOURCE: CapRadio
      • Normally ports should be able to meet this demand. SOURCE: CapRadio
      • Many containers have nowhere to go. SOURCE: YouTube
    • Massive labor shortage from Dem Covid measures equals decreased production. SOURCE: Business Insider, Forbes,, Newsweek, KTLA5, CNBC
    • 40% of ALL goods go through California ports, which need trucks. SOURCE: CNN
    • Meanwhile, Florida has said its ports are OPEN for those goods. SOURCE: CBSMiami
  • CLAIM: The supply chain shortage is a sign of Biden's booming economy.
    • The only place the economy is 'booming' is in red states. SOURCE: Bureau Of Labor
    • The Economy is only "booming" compared to the period of the pandemic, not 2019 stats. SOURCE: Bloomberg, AP
  • Crashing the economy and disincentivizing work are how the Biden admin wants to use the pandemic to transform the economy, as Jen Psaki admitted. SOURCE: Twitter


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