Tuesday, October 26, 2021

SHOW NOTES: Every Reason to FIRE FAUCI ... Other Than Torturing Dogs

SHOW NOTES: Every Reason to FIRE FAUCI ... Other Than Torturing Dogs
Team Crowder - October 26, 2021 at 09:02AM

People want to fire Fauci over his alleged dog torture, but there are tons of other reasons, as well. Also, Dave Chappelle has spoken out on the Netflix controversy and refuses to bend the knee. And get ready because they want to mandate your kids get the COVID vaccine.

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  • The FDA will meet today to decide on extending emergency use to the Pfizer vaccine for ages 5-11, but Fauci already weighed in on this way back in August. SOURCE: CNN
  • You've probably heard the 90.7% efficacy statistic, but can we even trust this data when LESS THAN 1% of adverse events are even reported? SOURCE: Harvard
    • The lack of data didn't stop FDA researchers from celebrating the benefits of vaccinating kids. SOURCE: FDA
    • A study at UC Davis found boys ages 12-15 are up to 6 times more at risk of myocarditis from vaccine than from Covid hospitalization. SOURCE: medRxiv
    • The range of assumptions includes 80% efficacy at six months, which is NOT accurate. It dropped to 20% at 5-7 months. SOURCES: NEJM, NEJM
  • Only 9% of Republican parents want to vaccinate their kids right away. SOURCE: KFF


  • Over the weekend, news broke that Fauci's NIH had conducted abusive experiments on Beagles. SOURCE: DailyMail
  • In August, it was reported Fauci's NIH spent $400k to infect Beagles with flies that carry parasites harmful to humans. SOURCE: NYPost
  • The NIH admitted it funded gain-of-function research last week, meaning Fauci LIED to Congress? SOURCE: Twitter
  • There are PLENTY more reasons to fire Fauci:
    • His NIH supported research using 18-20 week aborted fetus scalps grafted onto lab rats. SOURCE: Nature.com
      • Dogs were also infected with pneumonia, anthrax, and subjected to induced heart attacks. SOURCES: NCBI, NIH, EuropeanHeartJorunal
      • Kept monkeys in cages and scared them with mechanical snakes. SOURCE: Washington Times
      • Injected chimps with 250 times the amount of AIDS virus needed to cause infection. Reminder: Trump made animal abuse a FEDERAL CRIME. SOURCES: NYTimes, NPR
    • BOTCHED AIDS: Fauci claimed AIDS could be airborne. SOURCE: JamaNetwork
    • Fauci received compensation for experimental NIH-patented treatments, but Fauci was slow to acknowledge the effectiveness of well-known drug Bactrim against PCP pneumonia. SOURCE: PubMed, HuffPo
    • Fauci told everyone not to wear masks, then reversed even for VACCINATED people. SOURCE: Reuters, CNBC
    • He wants to forcibly inject your kids with experimental medicine. SOURCE: NYPost
    • And who could forget the Fauci emails? SOURCE: DailySun, NYPost


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