Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Iranian Dad Returns to Loudoun County, 'Congratulates' Board for Graduating from 'Disgraced' to 'Pedophiles'

Iranian Dad Returns to Loudoun County, 'Congratulates' Board for Graduating from 'Disgraced' to 'Pedophiles'
Brodigan - October 27, 2021 at 09:04AM

Our favorite Based Iranian Father returned to the Loudoun County School Board last night. Rather, I should call him Master Based Iranian Father. The last time we saw him, he said "Master" is his preferred pronoun. Master B.I.F. returned to express his disagreement over how the school board covered up one or two alleged rapes that happened in the school.

"Why aren't you resigning? Yeah, keep staring at me. Because this war is not over. You're going to play the game? We're going to play it better. And we're going to win."

"You guys are the disgrace. You guys are the pedophiles [...] I'll keep repeating. I am the master! You are the servants!"

This is Master B.I.F.'s second appearance before the board.

Here he is back in August:

"You wanna push that garbage down my kid's throats, I will make you call my kids KING and QUEEN. That's how you will address my son and daughter. And when you look at me, you will call me Master."

Barack Obama wants to gaslight people and claim the concerns of parents are phony Fox News culture-war junk. If last night's Loudoun County school board was any indication, there sure are a lot of Tucker Carlson fans in the northernmost suburbs of a solidly blue state.

Joe Biden's attorney general Merrick Garland is set to testify before the Senate today. Expect him to be questioned under oath about the alleged administration's belief angry parents are akin to domestic terrorists. I'm popping the popcorn.

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