Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Watch: 'The View' Maximizes Cluelessness, Dismisses Everyday Pocketbook Concerns as Silly 'Republican Issues'

Watch: 'The View' Maximizes Cluelessness, Dismisses Everyday Pocketbook Concerns as Silly 'Republican Issues'
Brodigan - October 26, 2021 at 11:46AM

Today, there are articles floating around the internet about this Thanksgiving being the most expensive on record. Earlier this month, voters were told to shop early for Christmas because of the supply chain breaking down. Inflation is causing the everyday cost of living purchases like food and gas to skyrocket. All fingers point to Joe Biden's incompetence and the incompetence of those around him. Except from the Biden Administration, who points their fingers at ... HEY, LOOK AT THAT OBVIOUS DISTRACTION!

On "The View", the shrill harpies were discussing what issues Joe Biden should focus on to woo back independent voters. The same indy voters who realize what a horrendous mistake they made last year. It was suggested to focus on pocketbook issues. But, apparently, concern about being able to affordably support your family is only for Republicans.

GRETCHEN: "Listen, it always comes down to the pocketbook, I think, for Independents, and so they are worried about inflation, they're worried about the supply chain coming in, especially with Christmas and Hanukkah approaching. I think that price tag is everything."

SUNNY: "Meh. That's a bunch of Republican crap."

People who support Joe Biden and his plan to fundamentally remake the American economy in his post-pandemic image think the everyday concerns of normal people are only Republican concerns. Leftists who don't have to worry about filling up their gas tanks, buying groceries, or making sure there are presents under the Christmas tree don't give a rip about those of us who do. We always assumed so. Now, thanks to shows like "The View," they are saying so out loud.

And you know what? Sunny Hostin is absolutely right. Pocketbook issues are only the concern of Republicans. But not just any Republicans. The MAGA loving, school board screening, insurrectioning Republicans. That is 100% true. Joe Biden, the people who control Joe Biden, and the talking heads in the media who stan the radical left should ALL campaign as such.

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from Steven Crowder Says