Wednesday, October 20, 2021

OUCH: Joe Biden's Approval Rating Sinks Lower as Independent and Hispanic Voters Both Say 'Let's Go Brandon'

OUCH: Joe Biden's Approval Rating Sinks Lower as Independent and Hispanic Voters Both Say 'Let's Go Brandon'
Brodigan - October 20, 2021 at 07:51AM

Americans have been telling pollsters 'F*ck Joe Biden' when they accidentally pick up their landlines. Outside of a few outliers, Biden's polling has stunk worse than that last fart that fooled him. The worst of all of them was the Quinnipiac Poll. That one was so bad, even CNN had to admit it sucked. The American people said they didn't even find the Biden administration to be competent in running the country. But it was two weeks ago! Things can change. Quinnipiac released a more updated poll on Tuesday.

Some highlights (though not for Biden):

- Overall approval dropped to 37% from 38%

- Approval among Independent voters (most likely the dummies who thought Biden was the lesser of two evils last year) dropped to 28% from 32%

- Approval among Hispanic voters plummeted to 33% from 42%

- Approval among men sunk to 30% from 35%

Though, Biden did GAIN a point amongst women. That will be what Jen Psaki focuses on when she isn't blaming other Americans for Biden being so unpopular. Or what the mainstream media will focus on when not blaming *checks notes* "crappy mainstream media reporting" on Biden's failures.

It would appear treating parents as potential "domestic terrorists" when they raise their voices at school board meetings, having the IRS monitor any bank transaction over $600 (most middle-class paychecks), and telling the American people that due to a shipping crisis and a supply chain crisis there may not be a Christmas this year are all things that don't sit well with voters. Go figure.

And yes, "independent" "fact" checkers. I know I'm oversimplifying those issues. I'm sacrificing some context to make a rhetorical point. Unlike CNN, I don't claim to be the most trusted name in news. I'm just one of the 63% saying 'Let's Go Brandon.'

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