Wednesday, October 20, 2021

SHOW NOTES: DEBUNKING Fauci's LIE About Unvaccinated COVID Deaths!

SHOW NOTES: DEBUNKING Fauci's LIE About Unvaccinated COVID Deaths!
Brodigan - October 20, 2021 at 09:13AM

Anthony Fauci isn't being honest (shocker) about vaccinated vs. unvaccinated deaths. We get into the numbers. Crowder also has thoughts on Donald Trump suing the Jan. 6 commission. And why does Brian Stelter love globalist Superman?

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  • Yesterday, Trump sued to block the release of documents requested by the Jan 6th Committee
  • CLAIM: The January 6th committee is requesting only relevant documents. AP Headline reads: "Trump files lawsuit to keep Jan. 6 documents from Congress." SOURCE: AP
    • They are actually requesting ANYTHING he might have communicated about the election system. SOURCE: January 6th House.Gov
      • ALL documents discussing election fraud in any way.
      • All mail-in ballot related communications
      • All election machine communications
      • All communications, appointments & resignations
      • ALL documents and communications that occurred on Jan 6th, regardless of their content.
  • Trump asked the Biden administration for these documents to be withheld under executive privilege. But the Biden administration broke precedent. SOURCE: NBC
  • There was an unfair selection of committee members appointed by Nancy Pelosi. SOURCE: Clerk.House.Gov, WashingtonTimes
    • Adam Schiff
    • Jamie Raskin, head of Trump's impeachment case
    • Adam Kinzinger voted for Trump's Impeachment
    • Liz Cheney voted Trump impeachment
  • Pelosi rejected ALL 5 Republican members proposed by Kevin McCarthy:
    • Jim Jordan - objected to presidential election results
    • Troy Nehls and Jim Banks who also objected
    • Kelly Armstrong from N. Dakota
    • Rodney Davis from Illinois
  • Last night, the same Jan 6th Committee voted unanimously to hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress. SOURCE: CNN


  • Dr. Fauci has been saying the unvaxxed are 57x more likely to die from Covid SOURCE: Twitter
  • The 57x figure comes from patient data at just ONE hospital in King County, Washington. SOURCE: KingCounty
    • Fauci is picking the scariest numbers from a rolling 30-day average which greatly fluctuates. SOURCE: KingCounty
    • Fauci omits data on breakthroughs and age demographics.
      • 27% of all deaths in the past 30 days are breakthrough infections
      • 72% of deaths are in people over 60
  • When we look at other data, the discrepancy tends to be much smaller.
    • From the CDC, 5-11x SOURCE: CDC
    • Scotland -- 2-4x SOURCE: Public Health Scotland
    • North Carolina DHHS-- 15x SOURCE: WRAL
    • Israel study: Naturally infected 27x less to be reinfected SOURCE: Medrxiv
  • Data on infections muddy the waters
    • Waterford in Ireland has 98.5% vaccination rate, but the highest incidence of cases in Ireland.SOURCE: Irish Post
    • The Chief Epidemiologist of Iceland admitted vaccines have failed to create herd immunity. Iceland Review
    • Dr Deborah Conrad of a New York hospital said in a letter to HHS that NYC had a 50% community vax rate But 90% of COVID hospital admissions were vaccinated. SOURCE: Sirillp
    • European Journal of Epidemiology: "Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States." SOURCE: Springer


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from Steven Crowder Says