Monday, October 25, 2021

Dan Crenshaw Asks Obama: What's So Phony About the Loudoun County Rape Cover-up?

Dan Crenshaw Asks Obama: What's So Phony About the Loudoun County Rape Cover-up?
Brodigan - October 25, 2021 at 12:06PM

The Virginia gubernatorial race is the first big election of the new four-year cycle. It should be a walk-off for Terry McAuliffe. He's the former Democratic governor running in a Democratic state. Yet, the state is poised for an upset. RCP has the race in the margin of error, and AXIOS is reporting McAuliffe is panicked. Not helping is the way Terry told parents they shouldn't have a say in their kids' education and the way the McAuliffe supporters on the Loudoun County school board tried to cover up a rape. Oh, and everyone hates Joe Biden.

Here comes Barack Obama to save the day! The former president claims every criticism voters have is phony, Fox News, culture-war junk. Rep. Dan Crenshaw would like to know what exactly Obama finds phony. Is it McAuliffe being anti-parent? Or is it the rape?

"What is phony exactly? The school rape coverup or Terry McAuliffe saying parents shouldn't be involved in their child's education?"

It's the usual Democratic bullplop from Obama. If you disagree with the Democrats on anything, your reason is never valid, and Democratic policies are never to blame. It's always Fox News, or Facebook memes, or bitter white people fighting their "phony" culture wars. Or if all else fails, just call people racist. That's what McAullife attempted to do when asked about parents' expressing concerns in school board meetings. Among the diverse group of racists speaking out are black parents, Asian parents, and Iranian parents. Also, parents of biracial children who think it's inappropriate for their daughter to be taught one of their parents is evil.'s the white one.

The left and the media (but I repeat myself) have been ignoring the concerns of parents all year, choosing instead to focus on Trump-adjacent things about which no American cares. If and when Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin wins in an upset, those same reporters will be confused about how they got it wrong. Then it will be everyone's fault but their own.

If Obama and the rest of the Democrats want to pretend the concerns of anyone who disagrees with them are "phony," I'm not one to get in the way. I would, however, like to hear someone respond to Rep. Crenshaw's rhetorical questions. There are still seven more days of gaslighting to go.

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