Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Confused Joe Biden Thinks Computers Talk, Violates CDC Guidelines Coughing into Hand Before Touching People

Confused Joe Biden Thinks Computers Talk, Violates CDC Guidelines Coughing into Hand Before Touching People
Brodigan - October 26, 2021 at 07:07AM

Joe Biden was allowed out in public again. This time, for a visit to New Jersey. His handlers had to tell Biden that he was going to hang out at Jon Bon Jovi's house. Biden was confused why that was when he was always a Richie Sambora guy. But Joe just goes where they tell Joe to go.

I'm, of course, joking (I think). Though Biden did get confused with how words work. I think he meant "commuters" here. But it's Joe Biden, so who the deuce knows? It is alleged this was to help sell his ginormous spending bill and instill confidence in the American people that he's lucid.

"You know the old expression time is money. As one COMPUTER said, if you're on the train and they say 'portal bridge,' you know you should make other plans."

I *think* he meant commuter, not that the story made any sense either way. It's Joe Biden, though. He could have easily thought the computer from Star Wars who beeps a lot got into an argument with the computer that has a British accent while they were on the Acela.

And look, I acknowledge I'm just a small-town boy, born and raised in South Pettyvile. Even the most competent of public speakers can make a mistake. When a seventy-eight-year-old is publicly confused again and again and again and again and again, it throws up red flags. Especially when the old coot has the nuclear codes.

As Biden's grand finale, he violated the most basic of CDC guidelines by coughing into his hands ... before working the rope line shaking people's hands. I know Biden has gotten all three of his Fauci Ouchies. Just saying, if an outbreak is discovered in Newark...

Our last president was famous for making aides carry a jar of hand sanitizer in case he was forced to touch people. This president's handlers are lucky enough if he remembers to wash his hands after making number two. Or if he remembers to go to the bathroom before making number two.

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