Monday, October 25, 2021

'There's a Special Place in Hell': Outrage Over Teachers Tying Mask to Face of Nonverbal Down Syndrome Girl

'There's a Special Place in Hell': Outrage Over Teachers Tying Mask to Face of Nonverbal Down Syndrome Girl
Brodigan - October 25, 2021 at 08:53AM

A father is outraged after discovering his daughter's school has been tying her mask to her face for the last six weeks. If you're wondering why for so long, it's because his seven-year-old daughter has Down Syndrome and is non-verbal. But, you know, the teachers' unions demand kids be masked, science be damned. Please don't proceed with the following two videos if you have sharp objects around you.

Joe Rogan Confronts COWARDLY CNN "Doctor" Sanjay Gupta | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says