Brodigan - October 22, 2021 at 08:23AM

I had bookmarked Bryson Gray's 'Let's Go Brandon' video to write about today. I've been a fan of Gray's music since hearing a few Trump tracks during the 2020 election. Like with Loza Alexander, the music stands on its own before getting your politics. Music first, MAGA second. Or I guess for 2021, BARS before Biden. I was planning on writing about the video. Instead, YouTube took the song down for "medical misinformation." Yes, a song.
Louder with Crowder knows ALL ABOUT having videos removed for what YouTube deems "medical information." And that's with us citing statistics from the CDC. The Big Tech giant has managed to find newer and more exciting ways to censor people. Yesterday, they removed an interview with a SITTING U.S. SENATOR because the senator disagreed about an FDA decision concerning children. They are also removing songs. As for what in the song was "medical misinformation," only the Biden supporting freaks in Palo Alto know. Here's a clip of the video from Twitter.
The best I hear is the line "the pandemic ain't real, they just planned it." If THAT'S the case, then this is the biggest overreaction to song lyrics since Max Caster got suspended over dickheads chirping about his bars on Twitter. Otherwise, Gray's song is just boilerplate comments about freedom, how much of it has been taken away, and--wait for it--how "they" tried to silence anyone who speaks out. Concern over what's happening in this country? Making sure people see what's happening in Australia? That's not medical misinformation. That's an OPINION! Those are opinions that many of us who got our Faucie Ouchie also share.
It seems more and more that "medical misinformation" is turning into "any opinion about anything that has happened over the past nineteen months (plus fifteen days to flatter the curve) not approved by Joe Biden or the CDC." Either that, or they are coming after Let's Go Brandon/F*ck Joe Biden, and medical misinformation was just a convenient excuse this time. Both possibilities are terrifying.
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